Neck Pain


  • Cervical Radiculopathy
  • Herniated Disc
  • Facet Dysfunction
  • Acute Wry Neck
  • Stenosis
  • Arthritis
  • Whiplash
  • Sprain/Strain
  • Muscle Tension
  • Headaches (Cervicogenic)

Neck pain is a common condition with several proposed biomechanical contributing factors. Thoracic spine dysfunction is hypothesized as one of the predisposing factors, which necessitates the need to explore the contribution of thoracic posture and mobility toward neck pain. The causative mechanisms rarely implicate a single anatomical structure and are dependent upon several contributing factors, no matter if it’s a traumatic injury or you wake up one day with a “kink in your neck,” or experience radicular neck pain. Any event leading to altered joint mechanics or muscle functions can cause neck pain.

In nontraumatic neck pain, the most significant contributor is poor posture. Restricted segmental mobility of the cervical and thoracic regions has also been reported in people with neck pain. The pain can vary in severity, from a constant dull ache to sharp and stabbing pains. Neck pain can sometimes include additional symptoms such as stiffness and muscle tightness in the upper body, discomfort and pain when remaining in the same position for too long, loss of sleep due to pain and discomfort, numbness or tingling into the upper extremities, headache, arm weakness.


Physical therapists at LHPT are trained to look at the interconnectivity of the cervical and thoracic spine, ribcage with the shoulder girdle. It has been our experience that normalization of thoracic girdle dysfunctions will positively impact the symptomatology and function of the neck and therefore, should be addressed early in the treatment program.

You will be provided with targeted exercises that will strengthen, build, and improve the muscles and tissues in your neck. In addition, we will focus on improving your posture to aid in the recovery of your neck muscles, as well as avoiding re-injury in the future


What People say about Us

Isha is a skilled physical therapist who has helped me recover from two surgeries. She has also identified the cause of several long-term chronic pain issues I had and usually alleviated my pain. Isha Provides effective yet simple exercises I've added into my daily life that prevent the issue from recurring. Her CMFT( Certified function manual therapy ) certification is above and beyond treating the body in any recovery! It is also worth mentioning that your appointment is a full 60 minutes of undivided hands-on treatment.

Diane M.

Book an Appointment (973) - 910 - 8651

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