Hip and Knee Pain


  • Labral tear
  • Impingement
  • Instability
  • ITB Syndrome
  • Bursitis
  • Arthritis
  • Post-op total joint replacement
  • Groin strains
  • Athletic Pubalgia
  • Patellar tendonitis/bursitis
  • Patello-femoral pain syndrome
  • Meniscus tears
  • Sprains/strains
  • Ligament injuries (ACL/MCL/PCL/LCL)
  • ITB tendonitis/syndrome

The hip is the most proximal link in the lower extremity kinematic chain and shares a common segment (the femur) with the knee. At its proximal end, the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvis to comprise the hip joint. As a ball-and-socket joint, the hip provides multiplanar motion and is second only to the shoulder in terms of mobility. At its distal end, the femur is tightly bound to the tibia through a complex system of ligaments, the joint capsule, and tendons.

Although the ball-and-socket configuration of the hip provides a high degree of bony stability, the joint is dependent on a complex set of muscles to create motion and provide dynamic stability. As such, impaired hip muscle performance can render the hip joint susceptible to dysfunction in all planes. Abnormal motion of the femur can have a direct effect on tibiofemoral joint kinematics and strain the soft tissue restraints that bind the tibia to the distal end of the femur.

At your first appointment, one of our LHPT physical therapists will examine your hip and/or knee for signs of misalignment or structural damage, in addition to examining your stance, posture, gait, and range of motion.


A comprehensive, individualized treatment plan will then be developed for you that will include manual therapy treatments to help improve alignment and mobility of all those bones and joints as well as improve the flexibility and comfort of the muscles. It will be then followed by neuromuscular reeducation and motor control training, needed to promote efficient initiation, strength and endurance of the muscles required for developing efficient movement strategies.

Finally, you will be given targeted exercises designed for relieving joint pain and stabilizing the weak hip and/or knee tissues


What People say about Us

Not all physical therapists are created equal. This I learned after I was treated by Isha’s magnificent listening hands. Who knew that your first rib can move to the point that it can limit your mobility and exert pressure on your muscles and nerves to cause severe neck pain?…..Isha did with her diverse and extensive training!!!

During my initial exam, she was able to wisely and rapidly diagnose the cause of my pain. What a god send this was especially having to suffer from this undiagnosed chronic pain for so long. After only three one-hour specialized sessions in her awesome office, my annoying chronic neck pain went away and evaporated into thin air. These results speak volumes especially after going to several physicians and physical therapists who only wanted to focus on medicating me. Medication may mask the pain temporarily, but Isha can make the pain go away permanently.

Isha was different, and I felt with each session, my pain was less and less. She focuses on soft tissue manipulation to restore the muscles, cupping to loosen and detoxify the body, and stretching exercises to strengthen the core which made my neck and body heal. I enthusiastically recommended this talented physical therapist to all my friends and family. I trust she will put you on the path to healing as well.


Book an Appointment (973) - 910 - 8651

You can book an appointment online or call us today!