Functional Manual Therapy

Functional Manual Therapy® is an approach specializing in whole body care that seamlessly integrates evaluation and treatment for mobility issues of joints, soft tissues, viscera, and neurovascular structures. This Mechanical treatment is complemented with specific motor control techniques to enable each person to perform skillful and efficient movement and/or assume optimal Posture. FMT is the cornerstone of the Listening Hands approach as it gives a better outcome for most patients.

Soft Tissue Mobilization

Depending upon your condition and individual needs, our therapist utilize their hands or specialized tools to target specific tissues that may be directly or indirectly driving your symptoms.

Joint Mobilization

It involves the passive movement of specific joints using the skilled application of force, direction, and technique.

Neural, and Visceral Mobilization

Skilled passive manipulation of neural structures and organs to decrease pain and improve flexibility

Dry Needling

Dry needling offers an alternative treatment option for pain relief and improved muscle movement. During a dry needling treatment, one or more thin, monofilament needles are inserted into a muscle trigger point. The treatment uses a dry needle - a needle without medicine - to deactivate trigger points in your muscle. A trigger point is a local band of tight, irritable and dysfunctional muscle tissue. This often emerges because of injury, overuse or poor movement patterns. Dry needling is typically combined with other physical therapy exercises and techniques.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

To manage your individual needs, specific techniques that are utilized, may include internal and external assessment of the pelvic floor muscles, connective tissue and surrounding fascia. Treatment can vary from myofascial mobilization, neural, joint and visceral mobilization, neuromuscular re-education and return to function via exercises, biofeedback and awareness training.

Schroth Method for Scoliosis Management

Schroth method is a conservative physical therapy management for individuals with Scoliosis and Kyphosis. It can be used to treat patients of all ages and in all stages of treatment: conservative, with and without bracing (depending on individual needs), pre- and post-surgical. Through specific exercises and corrective breathing techniques, the method aims to elongate the trunk and correct the imbalances of the body. By developing the inner muscles of the ribcage, the method changes the shape the shape of the trunk to correct any spinal deformities. The result is a decrease in pain, slowing or halting of the curvature progression and improved cardio-pulmonary function, mobility and postural stability.

Therapeutic Exercise and custom home exercise programming

Exercises that are specifically designed for you to alleviate your pain, strengthen the weak areas of your body, promote the healing process, and restore function.

Book an Appointment (973)-910-8651

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