Neck Pain

“Unwind Your Neck Pain with Expert Physical Therapy Solutions”

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    Is Neck pain disrupting your daily life?

    Neck pain can significantly disrupt your daily life, causing sharp discomfort that can extend to your shoulders and impair your movement. Whether its difficulty sitting up straight at work or bending down to tie your shoes, physical therapy can help you regain normal, pain-free function.

    According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), about one-third of people will experience neck pain each year. If left untreated, it can worsen and potentially require surgery. The good news is that many people find relief from neck pain through physical therapy.

    At Listening Hands Physical Therapy, our highly trained physical therapists provide the relief you need. Contact us today to start your journey to a pain-free life.

    You can book an appointment online or call us today!

    Book an Appointment (973) - 910 - 8651

    Common Causes of Neck Pain

    If you are experiencing any of these, contact us today.

    neck pain

    This information is intended for general informational purposes only and all information is provided in good faith, but we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness.

    © Listening Hands Physical Therapy 2022.